Tuesday 1 March 2011

NZ National Champs

Hey Guys just doing a bit of an update, In the weekend was our New Zealand National Champs, in Dunedin.
the weekend started out on the friday which was the first day of practice but due to heavy rain the night before most people sat out practice and just went for a track walk,
Saturday was a full day of practice and the track had dried out alot and continued to dry out over the day.the track was looking fast and super technical so it was going to make for some good racing!
Sunday was race day and was another sunny day,I busted out a couple of practice runs in the morning and i was feeling pretty good on the track and it had dried out alot except for a few parts in the trees which were still pretty slick!
First up we had a seeding run were i took it pretty easy and came down in 4th on a 3.09 and knew i had a bit of time left up my sleeve!
 Coming into race run i was feeling pretty confident after a 3rd,4th and a 2nd in the three national rounds I raced, I ended up making a pretty big mistake in my race run which cost me alot of time and put me way down in 8th so i was pretty dissapointed with that!
ive got a few months off racing now toi concentrate on training for the world cup season.
Bring on South Africa!